Gaining access to HAFB
Please carefully read the procedure below. Registering for an NMSU-A class held at HAFB does not automatically allow you to have access to the base. Accessing the base to attend a class is a privilege granted to you by HAFB, and a procedure is in place to apply for access. If you have any questions please contact the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator at 575.439.3720.
Required Documentation
These documents must be obtained from this page or the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator. You must submit your completed forms to the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator via email
- When registering for a class at HAFB, fill out and submit a Base Access Request Form and Background Check Consent Form which you can download in PDF Format or obtain from the Admissions Office on the NMSU-A Campus. You must submit your completed forms to the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator via email The earlier you sign up for a HAFB class and submit the forms the easier it is to get your pass. Upon receipt of your completed forms a “tracking number” will be made by the HAFB Welcome Center. Please note that The Security Forces Squadron (SFS) will conduct a background check, which will take seven (7) working days to process.
- At least a week before the first day of class you must contact the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator at 575.439.3600 or to obtain your tracking number. You will not be able to obtain your pass until the day class starts. Go to the Visitor Center no later than 1 hour prior to the class time.
- In order to obtain your base pass for the term you are registered for, you must provide the following at the HAFB Welcome Center, which is located outside the base main gate. Hours of operation are from 7:00am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday and Fridays 7:00 am - 3:00pm. You must go to the Visitor’s Center during these hours. There are no exceptions.
- Valid driver’s license with picture
- Valid vehicle registration
- Proof of valid vehicle insurance
- Your tracking number
Important Notices
Please note that you will only be issued an access pass for one term at a time. No 2nd 8-week access passes will be issued at the beginning of the 1st 8-week session. If you plan to take an additional HAFB class during the 2nd 8-week session you will need to repeat this procedure. You will only be permitted to enter HAFB at class times, and you will only be allowed in the Learning Center (where all HAFB classes will be held).
The HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator will not sponsor you for a base access pass without having received proof of registration and request for base access from the Admissions Office on the NMSU-A Campus, or for the student’s failure to follow the above listed procedures.
If you register for classes late you must follow the procedure listed above and will need to wait seven working days for processing. This process can not be expedited. You will not be able to have base access until you have received your tracking number from the HAFB NMSU-A Coordinator. The HAFB Coordinator will not escort you onto the base in order for you to attend class. Request for base access will not be processed after the last day to drop/add classes (See Schedule of Classes for date).